Privacy Policy

Folium Dispensary – Privacy Policy



At Folium Dispensary, we highly value and respect your privacy. We are committed to safeguarding the

privacy of our customers and website visitors, adhering to the Australian Privacy Principles outlined in

the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This policy outlines how we collect and handle your personal information.


Collection of Personal Information


We may receive and store personal information you provide to us directly, enter onto our website, or

submit in other forms. This may include basic details such as your name, phone number, address, and

email address, enabling us to send information, updates, and process product or service orders.

Additional information may be collected when you provide feedback, share personal or business

details, change preferences, respond to surveys, provide financial information, or communicate with

our customer support.


How We Collect Your Personal Information


We collect personal information through various interactions, including electronic or in-person

engagement, website access, and when providing services to you. In some instances, we may receive

information from third parties, which we protect as outlined in this Privacy Policy.


Use of Your Personal Information


Folium Dispensary may use your personal information to provide information, updates, and services.

This includes informing you about new products, services, and opportunities. We may also utilize your

information to enhance our products and services, gaining a better understanding of your needs.

Communication may occur through various channels such as telephone, email, SMS, or mail.


Disclosure of Your Personal Information


We may disclose your personal information to employees, officers, insurers, advisers, agents, suppliers,

or subcontractors as necessary for our services. Disclosure may also occur to comply with legal

requirements, safeguard rights, property, or safety, or in the event of a change in business control or



Security of Your Personal Information


Folium Dispensary is dedicated to ensuring the security of the information you provide. We implement

physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse.


Access to Your Personal Information


You have the right to request details of the personal information we hold about you. If you believe the

information is inaccurate, incomplete, or irrelevant, you can email us at [email protected]. We

reserve the right to refuse information requests in certain circumstances outlined in the Privacy Act.


Complaints About Privacy


For any privacy-related complaints, please send details to PO Box 3341, North Strathfield NSW 2137.

We take complaints seriously and will respond promptly after receiving written notice.


Changes to Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time, and such changes will be effective immediately upon

posting on our website or notice board. Regularly check back to review any updates.


Website Information


When visiting our website (, we may collect information such as browser type, operating

system, and the website visited before ours. Cookies may be used for website traffic analysis and to

serve relevant ads through third-party services like Google Adwords.


Privacy Notice for Call Recording **Personal


Data Collection during Call Recording:**

– Digital recording of telephone conversations.

– Telephone numbers of both parties.

– Occasionally, 'special category' personal information may be recorded voluntarily.


**Collecting Personal Data:**

– Recordings stored on a secure server accessible only by senior management.

– Used for quality monitoring, complaint resolution, identifying training needs, and adhering to quality



**Sharing Personal Data:**

– Shared with Investigating Officer for complaint response.


**Sharing Data under Data Protection Legislation:**

– May disclose recordings, including personal data, under legal obligations like law enforcement,

safeguarding investigations, regulation, or licensing.


**Legal Basis:**

– Processing based on consent, contractual obligation, legal obligation, or legitimate interests.


**Retention of Personal Data:**

– Recordings held securely for a maximum of 30 days unless required for investigations, legal reasons, or

safeguarding concerns.


**Your Rights:**

– Request access, correction, erasure, restriction, and a copy of personal data.

– Object to processing based on legitimate interests.

– Not be subject to automated decisions.


At Folium Dispensary, we are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring transparency in our

data practices